Last week's hottest babes according to you was a bit of a surprise, with Argentinian babe Candela Ferro leading a pack of blonde chicks. It also appears you like skin, which explains a nude Keeley Hazell and Eva Mendes and a see-through Lucy Clarkson. Manuela Furtado is the only decent girl this week, showing that if you're from Brazil, all you really have to do is look at the camera and think of your millions in the bank.
Finally, thanks for voting! If all's well, you should have seen recommendations based on fellow HQ Scan lovers perusing these here pages. If you have a blog, go over to Outbrain.com, the widget installs real easy and comes with great statistics. It can even show posts from other similar blogs, but since we're trailblaizers of sorts, I didn't want to send you off to Us Magazine and the likes after staring at Gisele's butt. But if you do have a similar blog (yeah, you leech, lol) drop me a line as well, so I can start referring your posts as well!
See last week's top five here!
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