Wim Delvoye has been tattooing pigs since the 1990s. In the early 21st century a tattooed pigs project was set up in the Art Farm in China, where there are fewer strictures regarding animal welfare than in most parts of the Western world. In 2005 his colleague, artist Danny Devos, spent several months at the farm, reorganizing, managing and rebuilding. He is a vegetarian.
Surrounded by winding dirt roads, Wim’s Wonderland is not easily found, and a guide is required to reach the main entrance. Within a narrow passageway, protected by two marble statues of pigs, there are four-meter high gates with a triumphant Art Farm logo in red and gold. As you cross the threshold of the property, an entourage of onlookers lead you into the courtyard, where a patch of grass holds the main attraction of this theme park, the stars of Wim's Art Farm: tattooed pigs.
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