This is my friend Mike. Anyone who asks for his help gets it.

Mike prays, "Please Jesus, let me help somebody!"
Mike gets his help from Jesus, as shown on his wood block pendant he always carries around his neck, rope-a-dope style.
When a local commie poet asked Mike to buy his CD of inane gibberish, Mike obliged.
When a jeweler asked him to watch over her stand so she could buy some food, Mike obliged.

"Get your baubles, bangles, and bright shiny beads right here!"
And when a guy selling (used?) girly mags asked him to "Help a brother out - one dollar!", Mike more than obliged.

"I believe these are called 'Gentlemen's Magazines' - NOT porn rags!"
Later Mike flirted with a young nubile who was drawn to his chick-magnet Jesus pendant.

Mike: "I am glad to see you. And yes, I am sporting Messianic wood!"
3/5 of the multi-faceted guitarless band Gunwife Gone are chicks and they all bring something to the party - the keyboardist sings on top of tickling the ivories and the Charlotte Gainsbourg-lookalike sax player bangs the keys when she's not blowing her axe.

Tiffany tootin'

Rachel reciting, Tiffany tickling

Bassist Ryan and Keyboardist Lauren

Rachel counts it off from the top

Gunwife Gone - the view from the top of some guy's head

Jennifers Joe, John, Joe front and center

"Hey, don't forget about me!" pleads Skizz, the "quiet Jennifer"

Jennifer John jingle-jangles while Joe waxes basso profundo

"You, Sir Fan, are the Fifth Jennifer!"

This unidentified man was hoping to become the Jennifers' official Band Dancer, like the Happy Mondays' "Bez"

"Hey this guy on the pendant looks like me!" sez Skizzer. "Call the lawyers!"
After the set, Skizz tells Mike that the "Jesus" pendant is actually a Sacred Skizz Medallion from The Jennifers Icon Collection (TM) - collect 'em all at!
Beautiful people abound at the Sowebo Festival. This young woman, doing the hula hoop, was the most luminous. I thought she was Bianca Jagger for a second.


Rebel and Rebel 2.0

I wonder if Junior got his Rod the Mod tartan pants at Gap Kids

There is much native, folk, African, and South American art at SoWeBo.
Still, the influence of Hollywood is never far away, as this homage to Hellraiser's Pinhead (done in faux Ancient African Style) makes clear:

Notice Pinhead is making "The Circle," meaning he can hit you if you look at it!
And the influence of American adult movies is likewise never far away, as Amy points out after spotting this homage to legendary performing artist Long Dong Silver.

"Look sweetie," Amy gestures, "This is Long Dong's Money Maker (TM)!"

The hanging tongue led many observers to believe this was a Michael Jordan-commissioned work.

"Sch'long, Dong! We bid you adieu!"

Shouldn't that be the New Grammar Galery? It just wouldn't be SoWeBo with at least one store-front typo! To paraphrase the old MASH'S HAMS commercials, the second L's for Literacy - we throw that away!

Children use chalk to decorate this art car, providing excellent practice for future careers as graffiti artists or vandals (wait, I think that's redundant!).

Despites rumors of illegal substance abuse over the years in the Hollins Street Market area, this was the only crack I saw there. Alas, it was not for sale. (Still, it made me crack a smile.)
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